Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby Jail

At two days till she was 10 months old, Avery started walking on her own. She would take about 20-30 steps on her own. Then she would fall but it was a really good start. She had been walking round the table and couches for a while but now she was really starting to take off. Now at almost 11 months old she is a pro at walking. She can turn and she is working on how to stand up with out hanging onto anything. She also is a master of the stairs. They are her favorite toy. She will stand on them and yell at the top of her lungs! Then she climbs to the top and waits for us to go and get her. I am going to try to get a video on my camera so I can post it. She knows how to go down stairs too. She will walk over to the wall and step down holding onto the wall or the banisters. So now she can go into Paul's room anytime she wants. Before she would sit on the top stair and yell at hm till he went and got her. Now she walks in whenever she feels like it! LOL I have this book case that I am going to paint, but for now it is sitting in my corner. She loves playing with it. She will go and do her thing and she loves it. I don't know what she will say when I actually get around to the project and it is not there for her to play with.


Kaylin said...

HaHaHahahahah!!! Those pictures are hilarious!!!!

Kaylin said...

Blog again crazy girl!!

Kaylin said...

Seriously- you are struggling! I want to see pics and posts... NOW! :) Love ya- Happy New Years!!!