Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today we went with my cousin and their kids to the Dino Museum in Thanksgiving point. We had a blast hanging out with them especially since they are moving in one month! BOO HOO! But it was fun none the less! Avery was not too sure about this big shark! But we managed to get one picture! They had a station where you could play in the water and sand. Avery was more concerned about getting her hand dirty.
She loved the cave. That girl would not get out of the picture. I took a couple and she stayed the whole time! Weird!

Avery's favorite part was the baby! This is my cousin and their three kids! Thanks for inviting us and I can't wait for the zoo!

Standing by the big DINO!

1 comment:

Jessica McKane said...

Thanks for going with us. We had a blast with you guys.