Monday, March 23, 2009

Count Down

One month to go!! I really can't wait for Avery to go to Nursery! She is so full of energy at church. She is not bad she just wants to walk, talk, and say hi to everyone. So in one month we can take her to nursery! She is getting so BIG!

Monday, March 9, 2009

NeW mExIcO Part 2

I found some more pictures from New Mexico. We had to drive back! I am not a huge fan of ten hour car rides with a one year old but she did really good! And we had fun! These are Avery's cute cousins. Sarah loved to "mom" Avery and Avery loved to "mom" the baby! Everyone with Aunt TT!
Alex playing dad.... I don't think he is ready! LOL

This was all of them eating popcorn! Yummy!

Paint balling

So my brother Paul is really into Paint balling. He got David into it, and David got me into it! It is really fun and a great work out! Paul got a new gun and Avery was into it! I thought it was a cute picture!

NeW mExIcO

So a couple of weeks ago Avery and I flew to New Mexico to visit my dad. Later that week Tracey and David drove all night and showed up at my dads at three in the morning to surprise me! We had so much fun. We all got way spoiled and eat way too much! It is really fun for all of us to be together. We love to play cards and at times it got a little too competitive! This picture is after a long day of shopping! We found some awesome deals! My favorite is a pair of shorts for our up coming cruise for only two bucks! David and I were able to go off on our own for a while. Avery did such a good job being left with someone that she does not see everyday! They had so much fun playing. Avery's cousins also came and stayed a night while we were there. Avery loved holding the baby and playing with Sarah. We played cards while all the little kids sat and watched a movie and ate pop corn. It is nice to be able to have Avery be a "big" girl and not have to be watched every second.
David and I went to this wonderful Chinese restaurant and I came home to find the two of them rocking outside. I sat and watched them for a minute. My dad just sat there talking to her and she listened. I don't know what he was saying but it was a really sweet moment!
One of our Favorite restaurants is Taconos. It is an all you can eat meat place. So we all know David loves it! They have this amazing salad bar and David only get the potato's!! He doesn't even know what he is missing! But then they come around with different meats and grilled pineapple and chicken hearts! P.S. Chicken hearts are not good! But we had fun and ate really well!

This is David after he ate! For all those who know him, he does not eat veggies. So this is so his restaurant.

Another cute picture of Avery with her Grandpa! CHEERS!

People always say that we look alike. But I don't know.....

Linda works from home. So she had her office with all sorts of fun stuff that Avery like to get into. But she also likes to sit on her lap and "help" her work. It was real cute because I try and keep her out but of course she always found her way back in!

My dads new toy is his HoT TuB! He is in it every night! I have to admit I wish our condo had a hot tub! On Friday Tracey's boyfriend drove all the way through the night to surprise her on Valentines day! It was so cute.. We ran to wal~mart and while we were gone he snuck in the hot tub to surprise her. We got back and when she finally saw him she just stared at him. She did nothing! Then she ran out and did the whole hug, kiss, and cry thing. It was really sweet!
This was on the plane. We had all the seats to our self. She did not want to sit with me! She wanted to sit all by herself away from me! She is little Miss Independent! If she does not get to do anything by her self she throws a fit! I think we have officially started terrible twos! Thanks dad for such a fun trip! We all love you!