Friday, June 19, 2009


I added this picture because it had aunt tt! As always looking so good!
My cute cousins are moving! Boo Hoo! I love spending time with them!! We went up to the mountains and have tin foil dinners and of course smores! It was a blast! Here is Janine and Avery with boomer! Me and Jessica! I have loved getting to know her! I wish she lived by me! I will keep my eye out for a job back in Utah! LOL

My wonderful strong husband! LOL He went to look for fire wood and brought back a tree!

everyone but Aunt TT! She was taking the picture!

There was this cool place where you could climb up onto! It was fun but I was wearing backless shoes, not the best idea! Hey I am blonde Kind of! LOL


Jessica McKane said...

We had a blast with you guys. Thanks again for inviting us. It was an awesome thing to do on our second to last night in Utah. I really miss you guys and had fun getting to know all of you guys better. You guys will have to come stay with us some time.

Kaylin said...

FUN! Lets do this soon!!